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Trinity United Methodist Church Capital Campaign

Sanctuary Repairs and Improvements

This Web page provides detail for the most important (but not all) Sanctuary repair and improvement needs included in the capital campaign.

Sanctuary repairs

The east wall of the Sanctuary is discolored by water damage resulting from masonry failure. The discoloration occurs when water behind the stone leaches chemicals from the stones and brings it to the surface. This "efflorescence" leaves a powder on the surface as the water evaporates. A consultant was engaged to find how the water was entering the wall, and the problems were repaired in 2016. The stone now needs to be carefully cleaned and treated to restore its natural coloration.

Water damage is severe around this window in the south stairway to the Sanctuary balcony. The outside roof leak has been fixed, but the plaster damage remains to be repaired.

Sanctuary improvements

The Sanctuary sound system was installed in 1987 and has been added to over the past thirty years to provide radio microphones and other improvements. However, anyone attending worship or an event can attest that the system must be improved dramatically to serve the Trinity's needs in the future. Additional speakers, reliable mobile microphones, better microphone placements to capture musical events, and support of direct-to-hearing-aid technologies are needed to help the Gospel be heard in our beautiful space.

The air conditioning in the Sanctuary was installed in the mid-1980s by removing two of the Parable windows. This solution could be improved, but most urgent is to replace the outdoor AC units. One is original and the other dates from the 1990s. More efficient units are now available.